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A beautifully designed quiz app to help you prepare for the Veterinary Board Exam. Simple and intuitive user interface. Quick and portable, on the go studying. No need for those heavy books or bulky note cards. No internet connection required.
In North America, graduates will receive a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, whereas in the United Kingdom or India they would be awarded a Bachelor's degree in Veterinary Science, Surgery or Medicine, and in Ireland graduates receive a Medicinae Veterinariae Baccalaureus. In continental Europe, the degree of Doctor Medicinae Veterinariae or Doctor Veterinariae Medicinae is granted.
Note: Questions are scrollable. Please let us know if there is an issue. We are always constantly updating the questions.
This application is just an excellent tool for self-study and exam preparation. It's not affiliated with or endorsed by any testing organization, certificate, test name or trademark.